
What is Residency?

Housing villageResidence is the location where the student is considered to have the most settled and permanent connection -- where they intend to live and return to after any absence.

The determination of residency for purposes of the CSU is not to determine if a student is a resident or non-resident in the state of California, but rather to determine whether a student pays university fees on an in-state or out-of-state basis. Each campus admissions office is responsible for determining the residency status of all new and returning students based on the Application for Admission, Residency Questionnaire, and, as necessary, other evidence furnished by the student.

The term “California resident” for tuition purposes may differ from other definitions of California residency. A person who has a California driver’s license/vehicle registration or who is a California resident for tax, voting or welfare purposes may have established legal residence in the state but might not necessarily be considered a resident for in-state tuition purposes. You can find more information at Determining Residency.

What is “Residency for Tuition Purposes?”

Residency for tuition purposes determines whether a student pays in-state or out-of-state tuition fees, not if a student is a resident of California.​​


Students who are not classified as California residents for tuition purposes may qualify for an exception or exemption. To learn more about exceptions, please refer to the information provided on the CSU Exceptions & Exemptions website.