Next Steps for International Students

Thank you for submitting your application. You will receive an email confirming receipt of your application to the email you provided on your application within 48 hours of submission. Please note that as this is a mass email, it may end up in your spam folder. If you do not receive the email, please refer to these sample copies:

International Application Process:

  1. Only completed applications are reviewed for an admission determination.
  2. If your file is deemed incomplete or if any documents are needed we will post this request in your Sonoma State University To-Do List as your application is reviewed. 
  3. Sonoma State University will begin to process applications for the Fall term by early November.  SSU will begin to process applications for the Spring term in September.
  4. In order to view your To-Do List, go to Track Your Application Status for instructions on accessing MySSU through Sonoma State University’s Online Services.  Periodically check MySSU for information pertinent to your admission.

All applicants must provide the following:

  • All students must submit international transcripts to a third-party evaluation service.

**CTC does not accept this evaluation agency. If you are applying to any Credential programs, Please contact the credentials office at for more details.

  • Proof of English proficiency via English test scores. See list of accepted re required English proficiency test scores for undergraduate or graduate admission (Review English Language Proficiency Requirements section)
  • Gap in Attendance Inquiry (if there is a gap in your educational history of 12 or more months) found on the Admissions Forms page

Upon Admission, You Must Provide:

  • Financial Affidavit for International Students found on the Admissions Forms page
  • Copy of the biographical page of your passport
  • Health Insurance
  • Transfer-in Form if Studying in the United States

Contact Information:

Sonoma State University
Office of Admissions
1801 E. Cotati Avenue
Rohnert Park, CA 94928-3609

Phone: 707-664-2778
Fax: 707-664-2060