Transfer Success Pathway

Discover your path to Sonoma State University from a California Community College with TSP

Sonoma State University is offering the Transfer Success Pathway (TSP) program for all high school students who graduated in the class of 2024.

If academic, financial or personal hardships prevented you from attending the CSU for Fall 20424, this program could help you transfer to Sonoma State University in the future.

Student Eligibility

  • Graduated from high school during the 2024 year.
  • First-time freshman who either:
    • Wasn’t eligible to attend Sonoma State University at the time you graduated from high school; Or 
    • Didn’t attend a Sonoma State University because of personal or financial reasons.


  • Graduated high school in 2024 or prior, and did not receive any college credit after high school graduation
  •  Enter into an agreement with Sonoma State University and receive guaranteed admission to the degree program of your choice. Please note:
    • You must meet all TSP requirements within three years.
    • Available degree programs vary.
  •  Receive personalized guidance from Sonoma State University representatives to create an educational plan that will help you transfer in three years or less.
  •  Map out your coursework using the CSU Transfer Planner portal to ensure you’re on track to earning your degree.

Frequently Asked Questions